Vocal Room Renovation by Vicoustic

Even though I have always been happy with the performance of my vocal booth, I have never been a big fan of the looks of foam treatment.  When Pure Wave Audio became a dealer of Vicoustic, it was an opportunity to get a nice modern look in the vocal room.  After a full CAD mock up and full detailed analysis, we determined the best look and products for the room to maximize the acoustic character for my application.  The final result was stunning and my clients are very happy to be in a beautiful environment.

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Portland by Todd Whilser, is a project I produced to favor the more organic sound  of acoustic guitar, piano, cello, violin, saxophone, trumpet and the rarely used bass clarinet. Augmented by lush backing vocal arrangements with occasional symphonic flourishes, Portland leads the listener down a myriad of roads that collectively embrace the widest possible range of textures and emotions.

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Surrounded by Audio

Mixing in surround is fun and creative. However, mixing is the easiest part.  The encoding and formatting can really cause havoc on your audio. From hires DVD-A or Video DVD-V there is plenty of reasons behind each that will make you choose which to go with. And some are so hidden, even the makers of my Dolby Encoding software were not aware of certain constraints which forced me to change formats mid project and update them on the limitations.

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