33 Hot Rod – Built Not Bought

2017 has been a great year.  There has been so much going on with projects and new products for Pure Wave Audio.  As you can imagine running a few business can be very difficult and time is valuable.  I have found that having personal projects really help contain overworking.  At the end of project, you have something to show for it.  I have been working on building a car for the last year.  I did a build school and now have been pre-planning my custom build.  This picture is the first of hopefully a few cars I build.  It is a 33 hot rod which will be powered by a Corvette LS engine drive train.  Besides the color, this drawing is pretty accurate.  Of course anything can change at anytime….because I am building it!

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Portland by Todd Whilser, is a project I produced to favor the more organic sound  of acoustic guitar, piano, cello, violin, saxophone, trumpet and the rarely used bass clarinet. Augmented by lush backing vocal arrangements with occasional symphonic flourishes, Portland leads the listener down a myriad of roads that collectively embrace the widest possible range of textures and emotions.

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